Material Icons to PNG

Pick an icon
    fiber_smart_record Pick an icon



    mi2png or Material Icons to PNG helps you generate PNG files from Google's Material Icon Font. You can select an icon, adjust its size and color, and then download it as a PNG file to your computer.


    Well, sometimes you just need a PNG file of a specific icon. Maybe you need a pink Wi-Fi icon in 93px x 93px for your Notion template, or a thumbs-up icon for your PowerPoint presentation that you're about to submit. With mi2png, you don't need Photoshop. Just choose a Material Icon to convert it to PNG and download it.


    mi2png uses JavaScript canvas to render PNG files. You can view the code on GitHub.


    mi2png is built by avadhesh18.

    Issues and Feedback

    If you encounter any issues, please submit them on GitHub or reach out to us on mastodon/@overdevs.

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